Dog Safety

HARNESS SAFTEY FOR DOGS Most people don't realize that collars can cause damage to their dogs throat and neck. When a dog pulls on a lead the owner might assume that the dog will stop pulling if it feels discomfort, however this is not the case. A dogs instincts to smell and chase are very strong and they will pull on the lead even when they are in pain unless they have been trained. Also dog owners have a tendency to pull their dogs around by the lead, if the lead is attached to a collar around a dogs neck it can restrict blood flow to the eyes and ears, causing eye bulge and damage to these essential senses. Even worse it can cause the trachea to collapse, leading to a medical emergency. Even when I got my dog I made the mistake of using a choke collar, only after our dog started weezing when she pulled the lead did we consider using a harness. Here is my dog Dusky who is much happier and safer in her harness A harness is very good to use for walking dogs beca...