Dog Safety


Most people don't realize that collars can cause damage to their dogs throat and neck. When a dog pulls on a lead the owner might assume that the dog will stop pulling if it feels discomfort, however this is not the case. A dogs instincts to smell and chase are very strong and they will pull on the lead even when they are in pain unless they have been trained. Also dog owners have a tendency to pull their dogs around by the lead, if the lead is attached to a collar around a dogs neck it can restrict blood flow to the eyes and ears, causing eye bulge and damage to these essential senses. Even worse it can cause the trachea to collapse, leading to a medical emergency.

Even when I got my dog I made the mistake of using a choke collar, only after our dog started weezing when she pulled the lead did we consider using a harness. 

Here is my dog Dusky who is much happier and safer in her harness  

A harness is very good to use for walking dogs because the harness disperses pressure over a larger area of the dogs body, this reduces the strain particularly on his neck and back. Harnesses discourage pulling and also allow the owner to prevent their dog jumping at people without choking them.

Dog harnesses can be very attractive and their not very expensive. Here are some examples of some dog harnesses.


"Knowledge is Power

Our Veterinarians Advisory Council knows that most people don't even get to hear about the anatomical, neurological, respiratory, and glandular medical problems that happen to dogs walked by their throats … until it happens to their dog. And then it’s too late.

One vet says she’d be rich if she had a penny for every client who said, “But my dog walks well, how could this have happened to my baby?”"        


It is important that you make sure the harness fits correctly so that it doesn't pinch or rub your dog.

If  your puppy is growing make sure you get the harness correctly fitted every couple of weeks.



  1. This is a great page Sam, thank you for raising awareness. 👍

  2. Very informative! Your dog Dusky is adorable.

  3. So many people are probably not aware of the damage caused to a dogs health from wearing a collar.
    This is a Great site to help increase understanding.

  4. What great advice, which I fully agree with.
    I have one dog that pulls on walks, but is much better if on a harness, and another who is almost blind and deaf who lost confidence walking as her sight deteriorated, but the harness seems to help her and she's walking more again.


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